Saturday, May 5, 2007

Platinum Pants Are Not For Wearing!

Ernie Writes-

Administrative hearings judge, Roy Pearson, has been representing himself in a court case against a dry cleaning business that has misplaced his pants. These pants were part of a suit valued at approximately $1,200. Before this issue went to court, the owners of the dry cleaning business had offered a settlement on three different occasions. The first offer was for $3,000; the second was for $4,600; and the third was for $12,000. Fortunately Pearson did not yield and is now maintaining the case in court and suing the family for $65 Million Dollars.

You may say he's using poor judgment even for a judge! You may compare him to Hitler or David Berkowitz (Or his Dog for that matter). But the truth is, he needs this money. Why you say? I believe it is to fund research into the most unanswerable enigma plaguing our modern world. It's more mysterious than the building of the pyramids, the reason we exist, even more mysterious than the reason Blue Collar Comedy seems to be gaining so much momentum. This mystery is...what happens to all those pants at all of the dry cleaner businesses in America? Some say, they’ve been massed together and used to create the island known as Borneo. Others say they are just stored in Robin Williams’ back hair and are distributed among the poor during the winter. But to speculate is only to wonder! Do not stop this man and his crusade! This trial must go on!

Full Stoary Here:

Judge Sues Cleaner For $65M Over Pants

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why you so stupid?? You no hungry for pants, you hungry for HOT POCKET!!