Ernie writes-
Yet another vlog entry! How sweet it is to be a Niente Peaches fan! This vlog features clips from the legendary sex scene. It involves intercourse! The scene features our heroine Callia and introduces another great Niente Peaches character, Mauricio Feldman. I promise, you're gonna love him. He's the one that sounds like a game show host. Enough of this. Here's that vlog enrty we promised you, enjoy!:
I forgot to mention that we didn't show any of the sex in the vlog entry, because you have to see it in "Niente: The Movie." Psych!
P.S. You folks look like you might be wanting more. So how about I give y'all another vlog enrty next week!! What a great guy I am. Remember how great I am when you get you're next pay check. Maybe pick up a thing or two at the Niente Peaches store?:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
More Vloggin' Time Children!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Pyro Maniacs
Ernie writes-
So, here is the the first of many new vlog entries coming your way. Let me introduce this one a bit. One of our shoot days this summer was a pyro fx test with our video camera. Old Man Stroll threw this video together to try and appeal to the younger crowd seeing as how all kids love fire and such. Enjoy!:
We're taking a break from shooting this weekend and catching up on some story boarding and shooting for a different movie, so in lieu of new stills, I guess we'll just have to give ya another vlog entry! Stay tuned...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Double Whammy!
Ernie writes-
So, once again, we've completed two shoots in one weekend. Friday, I met with Old Man Stroll in NYC to do some final add ins for the Prologue to "Niente: The Movie," then I scuttled on back to CT for some additional reaction shots for a scene. At the close of Friday's shooting Tom (Old Man Stroll) and I happened upon a most triumphant sun set, where beams of light were bleeding through the clouds. It was sublime! I won't show you a picture though, you'll have to wait and see it in "Niente: The Movie."
Sunday's shoot went even better! After completing everything needed for the shoot, with the help of my good friend Phil, we proceeded to celebrate by getting some din din with our Gaffer, Steve Kompar at our favorite mexican restaurant. We all ordered a round of Tequila shots to cap off a successful day. We decided that this needs to be a large cap, so we all got another round. Then we still felt that we hadn't really capped off the evening so we asked for yet another round. Much to our suprise, our waiter came out with another round and told us it was on the house! Sweet! Then as we were eating our food, our waiter came back out and gave us another free round! This waiter is awesome! He told us, he was in such a good mood because he's getting married in a week so I said, "Holy crap man! You have to join us for the next drink." Hand shakes and "congrats" all around. That's when we noticed the three ladies sitting at a neighboring table, so we got them a round too. After the check was on the table and it was time to go, we knew this night still needed something more so: me, Steve, Phil, our waiter (his name's Christian by the way) and the three ladies all joined in for a drink to wish Christian the best of luck and congrats to him and his fiancée.
We stumbled out of the restuant and were still in such a good mood, so we continued to celebrate at a bar down the road till about midnight. Now it was a school night, so we only had like 5 more drinks..........
....and that's how I learned my lesson.
Anyway, here are some stills from the shoots. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Post Production Season
Ernie writes-
To get this shebang-a-bang ready for y'all by Summer of '09 like we promised, Production and Post-Production have to kinda overlap. So this past Sunday was spent doing some heavy duty editing for the Prologue to "Niente: The Movie."
In addition to this, I've started throwing together a new vlog entry for everybody that highlights the best moments of the shooting season thus far. It's not quite ready yet, but while I was working on this, I stumbled upon some really neato production stills that I never shared, with you, our adoring public. So until I get this vlog on the road, please enjoy these truly awesome stills!
P.S. did I mention that there are too many great moments in this shooting season, thus far, to limit it to only one vlog entry? That's right! It will be a series of entries! Win!
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Return of "Chock Full O Stroll"
Ernie writes-
Yes, we've completed principle shooting for the Prologue to the film, which we have named, "Catch That Candy Bar." And the candy bar of choice? You guessed it-Chock Full O Stroll! Our protagonist of the film, Charlie Kemp, saves the day and discovers something extraordinary about the heroine. The heroine as in, "the principal female character in a literary or dramatic work," as defined by Merriam Webster's online dictionary. Not to be confused with "a strongly physiologically addictive narcotic C21H23NO5 ." Anyway, you'll find out by watching "Niente: The Movie" to see what is so extraordinary about the heroine who is named Callia.
Anyway, the shoot went well in the end despite some difficulties that were my fault, his fault, her fault and your fault. But let's not kid ourselves, it was mostly your fault America. Why? Why would did you do what you did? It was totally not cool.
Sadly I was too busy being big shot asshole movie producer that I forgot to bring my still camera to snap a few shots of the production. But I won't make that mistake twice. Next Monday you'll get even more stills! Maybe even some heroin, on the house!
Till next week America...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Closing in on it!
Ernie writes-
Well, there hasn't been much in the way of updates because there hasn't been much to say. Not that we aren't hard at work at making you the best damn religious satire you'll ever feast your eyes and or nose on (via iSmell). It's simply that much of the work that's been going on has been the less exciting part of film making. Things like:
-Script editing
-Shot list making
-meeting, after meeting, after friggin' meeting!
But guess what, we shot something yesterday! Yay! And that means that Monday updates have returned! Wheeeeew!!!!!
Okay, so it wasn't the most exciting shoot. No one was offended, sexually assaulted or murdered, like you'd usually find on our sets; but it was a damn good shoot. I ventured to eastern Connecticut to get a few shots of some landscapes to use as backdrops for the epic battle sequence in the movie. I was aided by my trusty side kick Spencer. We took a great many shots and were feeling ambitious so, we thought it would be fun to get some random people that we find and have an impromptu scene shoot.
Essentially we wanted to find a couple of people who could be extras for a scene where they simply are in shock and awe as they gaze up at the sky and point at an object (that our visual effects team would add in later). An object kind of like those ships from Independence Day where all of the pedestrians are just petrified, ya know? Trust me, it'll fit in the movie. Anyway, we approached a couple who we thought would be perfect for the scene. After explaining who we were, what we were doing and what we would hope they could do for us, they're response was something like this:
After that first comment I felt hopeful, but they finished they're response:
"Ya know what? I interest in that."
Luckily, as we were driving back home, we passed a farm and saw a guy driving a tractor. I figured "what the hell," I'll take my chances and ask him if he wants to be in our movie. As I stepped out of the car and walked toward the farmer (who hadn't noticed Spencer or me) I anticipated our question would bring on one of three likely responses:
Possibility one:
Excuse me would you like to be in our film?
Trespassers eh ya? Ah well, I best get my shot gun, kill ya, skin ya and roast ya.
Possibility two:
Excuse me would you like to be in our film?
Well sure! But just don't be a touchin' my three beautiful daughters! Or else!
Or else what?
Possibility three:
Excuse me would you like to be in our film?
Well sure! I love helping people in the arts, especially struggling film makers like yourselves. What do you need me to do?
Fortunately for us, it was possibility three that ended up occurring! Therefore, I'm alive and able to share these great photos with you courtesy of my good sir, Spencer! Look for another update next Monday because you can bet your ass there will be a shoot! Enjoy!: