Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Vloggin' Time Children!

Ernie writes-

Yet another vlog entry! How sweet it is to be a Niente Peaches fan! This vlog features clips from the legendary sex scene. It involves intercourse! The scene features our heroine Callia and introduces another great Niente Peaches character, Mauricio Feldman. I promise, you're gonna love him. He's the one that sounds like a game show host. Enough of this. Here's that vlog enrty we promised you, enjoy!:

I forgot to mention that we didn't show any of the sex in the vlog entry, because you have to see it in "Niente: The Movie." Psych!

P.S. You folks look like you might be wanting more. So how about I give y'all another vlog enrty next week!! What a great guy I am. Remember how great I am when you get you're next pay check. Maybe pick up a thing or two at the Niente Peaches store?:


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