Monday, October 27, 2008

Alright Chazzau, We Got a New Shoot!

Ernie writes-

Yes we're back in business! This time an American Oil Tycoon, A Chinese Rice Paddy Farmer, A Russian KGB agent and a French...Guy united in the destruction of an Italian scientist! Let's review what we've shot so far:
-A scene that shows a single Nazi conquering Poland on his motorcycle
-A Knight chases a thief through NYC because his candy bar has been stolen
-A sex scene that involves a serial killer, a stoner, a guy carrying a propane tank like a baby and one pissed off chick who's not getting any
-Jewish-Chilean news reporter named Mauricio Feldman who simply can't get enough of...Maurcio Feldman
-A man who takes his lies from Alabama to Malaysia and back
-And now a bunch of guys rip another dude to shreds

This movie is making more sense with every scene we shoot!

Don't agree? I think these stills from the shoot speak for themselves:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Charlie Kemp Public Appearence on Oct. 31!

Ernie writes-

You heard right! Charlie Kemp will be walking through the streets of Manhattan, NY on Halloween night! Check back here for more details in less than a week. But before then, look for a new shoot report on Monday! Next week will be a great one for all you Niente Peaches out there!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Become a Niente Peach!

Ernie writes-

Ya know, there is Niente Peaches community forum. Why not sign up and join in on the fun! Learn ever more about Niente Peaches than you ever could on the blog by becoming one of us! One of us, one of us! Muwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!