Monday, October 27, 2008

Alright Chazzau, We Got a New Shoot!

Ernie writes-

Yes we're back in business! This time an American Oil Tycoon, A Chinese Rice Paddy Farmer, A Russian KGB agent and a French...Guy united in the destruction of an Italian scientist! Let's review what we've shot so far:
-A scene that shows a single Nazi conquering Poland on his motorcycle
-A Knight chases a thief through NYC because his candy bar has been stolen
-A sex scene that involves a serial killer, a stoner, a guy carrying a propane tank like a baby and one pissed off chick who's not getting any
-Jewish-Chilean news reporter named Mauricio Feldman who simply can't get enough of...Maurcio Feldman
-A man who takes his lies from Alabama to Malaysia and back
-And now a bunch of guys rip another dude to shreds

This movie is making more sense with every scene we shoot!

Don't agree? I think these stills from the shoot speak for themselves:

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