Sunday, November 30, 2008

Niente MySpace Tricked Out! Is That The Right Word?

Ernie writes-

If tricking out is good then, Niente Peaches' MySpace page is that! We've added a really funky video menu where you can sift through our latest and most tight videos as well as a news ticker so you can see what's what! But wait that's not all you chillin vilians! Now that our MySpace page looks so gorgeous, you can be our friend and everyone will find you tricked out by default! (Do kids say default now?) Holla!

Here's what you can expect in the future for the MySpace page:

Buddy icons, wallpaper (for your iPhone too!) an perhaps even ringtones!

Keep a sharp eye on our fancy MySpace page, which you can totally visit by clicking right here, awesome!:

Hang ten, you teenage demographic, you!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

E-Mail Syndication Goodness!

Ernie writes-

You can now subscribe to the Peaches through e-mail! Mmmmmmm! Yummy e-mails. I eat them all the time! Yummy e-mails oooooooohhhhh.

There's a little form on the left column of this page. Just put in your e-mail, click submit and follow the super-duper-diaper simple instructions. It's as easy as biting into a brand new buffalo! Mmmmm yummy buffalo e-mails, yummy yummy town!

Excuse me, I have to get the phone!


"Yes, this is Ernie..."

"You found my what?!"

"I didn't lose it though! How is that possible?"

"It has my raccoon on it?"

"Oh shoot, I'm still on the blog!"

(Hang up the blog)

Find out what Ernie lost and has his raccoon on it, only on Niente Peaches blog! And the best way to keep a tab is to subscribe to out blog via e-mail!

Friday, November 7, 2008

God-Man is on Facebook!

Ernie writes-

You heard right. The antagonist of Niente: The Movie has just opened an account on facebook! Friend him or feel the wrath of God-Man!

And while you're on facebook, don't forget to become a fan of the movie on the official Niente: The Movie facebook fan page!:

If you don't, then we'll sick God-Man on you!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Alright Chazzau, We Got a New Shoot!

Ernie writes-

Yes we're back in business! This time an American Oil Tycoon, A Chinese Rice Paddy Farmer, A Russian KGB agent and a French...Guy united in the destruction of an Italian scientist! Let's review what we've shot so far:
-A scene that shows a single Nazi conquering Poland on his motorcycle
-A Knight chases a thief through NYC because his candy bar has been stolen
-A sex scene that involves a serial killer, a stoner, a guy carrying a propane tank like a baby and one pissed off chick who's not getting any
-Jewish-Chilean news reporter named Mauricio Feldman who simply can't get enough of...Maurcio Feldman
-A man who takes his lies from Alabama to Malaysia and back
-And now a bunch of guys rip another dude to shreds

This movie is making more sense with every scene we shoot!

Don't agree? I think these stills from the shoot speak for themselves:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Charlie Kemp Public Appearence on Oct. 31!

Ernie writes-

You heard right! Charlie Kemp will be walking through the streets of Manhattan, NY on Halloween night! Check back here for more details in less than a week. But before then, look for a new shoot report on Monday! Next week will be a great one for all you Niente Peaches out there!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Become a Niente Peach!

Ernie writes-

Ya know, there is Niente Peaches community forum. Why not sign up and join in on the fun! Learn ever more about Niente Peaches than you ever could on the blog by becoming one of us! One of us, one of us! Muwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Vloggin' Time Children!

Ernie writes-

Yet another vlog entry! How sweet it is to be a Niente Peaches fan! This vlog features clips from the legendary sex scene. It involves intercourse! The scene features our heroine Callia and introduces another great Niente Peaches character, Mauricio Feldman. I promise, you're gonna love him. He's the one that sounds like a game show host. Enough of this. Here's that vlog enrty we promised you, enjoy!:

I forgot to mention that we didn't show any of the sex in the vlog entry, because you have to see it in "Niente: The Movie." Psych!

P.S. You folks look like you might be wanting more. So how about I give y'all another vlog enrty next week!! What a great guy I am. Remember how great I am when you get you're next pay check. Maybe pick up a thing or two at the Niente Peaches store?:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pyro Maniacs

Ernie writes-

So, here is the the first of many new vlog entries coming your way. Let me introduce this one a bit. One of our shoot days this summer was a pyro fx test with our video camera. Old Man Stroll threw this video together to try and appeal to the younger crowd seeing as how all kids love fire and such. Enjoy!:

We're taking a break from shooting this weekend and catching up on some story boarding and shooting for a different movie, so in lieu of new stills, I guess we'll just have to give ya another vlog entry! Stay tuned...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Double Whammy!

Ernie writes-

So, once again, we've completed two shoots in one weekend. Friday, I met with Old Man Stroll in NYC to do some final add ins for the Prologue to "Niente: The Movie," then I scuttled on back to CT for some additional reaction shots for a scene. At the close of Friday's shooting Tom (Old Man Stroll) and I happened upon a most triumphant sun set, where beams of light were bleeding through the clouds. It was sublime! I won't show you a picture though, you'll have to wait and see it in "Niente: The Movie."

Sunday's shoot went even better! After completing everything needed for the shoot, with the help of my good friend Phil, we proceeded to celebrate by getting some din din with our Gaffer, Steve Kompar at our favorite mexican restaurant. We all ordered a round of Tequila shots to cap off a successful day. We decided that this needs to be a large cap, so we all got another round. Then we still felt that we hadn't really capped off the evening so we asked for yet another round. Much to our suprise, our waiter came out with another round and told us it was on the house! Sweet! Then as we were eating our food, our waiter came back out and gave us another free round! This waiter is awesome! He told us, he was in such a good mood because he's getting married in a week so I said, "Holy crap man! You have to join us for the next drink." Hand shakes and "congrats" all around. That's when we noticed the three ladies sitting at a neighboring table, so we got them a round too. After the check was on the table and it was time to go, we knew this night still needed something more so: me, Steve, Phil, our waiter (his name's Christian by the way) and the three ladies all joined in for a drink to wish Christian the best of luck and congrats to him and his fiancée.

We stumbled out of the restuant and were still in such a good mood, so we continued to celebrate at a bar down the road till about midnight. Now it was a school night, so we only had like 5 more drinks..........

....and that's how I learned my lesson.

Anyway, here are some stills from the shoots. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Post Production Season

Ernie writes-

To get this shebang-a-bang ready for y'all by Summer of '09 like we promised, Production and Post-Production have to kinda overlap. So this past Sunday was spent doing some heavy duty editing for the Prologue to "Niente: The Movie."

In addition to this, I've started throwing together a new vlog entry for everybody that highlights the best moments of the shooting season thus far. It's not quite ready yet, but while I was working on this, I stumbled upon some really neato production stills that I never shared, with you, our adoring public. So until I get this vlog on the road, please enjoy these truly awesome stills!

P.S. did I mention that there are too many great moments in this shooting season, thus far, to limit it to only one vlog entry? That's right! It will be a series of entries! Win!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Return of "Chock Full O Stroll"

Ernie writes-

Yes, we've completed principle shooting for the Prologue to the film, which we have named, "Catch That Candy Bar." And the candy bar of choice? You guessed it-Chock Full O Stroll! Our protagonist of the film, Charlie Kemp, saves the day and discovers something extraordinary about the heroine. The heroine as in, "the principal female character in a literary or dramatic work," as defined by Merriam Webster's online dictionary. Not to be confused with "a strongly physiologically addictive narcotic C21H23NO5 ." Anyway, you'll find out by watching "Niente: The Movie" to see what is so extraordinary about the heroine who is named Callia.

Anyway, the shoot went well in the end despite some difficulties that were my fault, his fault, her fault and your fault. But let's not kid ourselves, it was mostly your fault America. Why? Why would did you do what you did? It was totally not cool.

Sadly I was too busy being big shot asshole movie producer that I forgot to bring my still camera to snap a few shots of the production. But I won't make that mistake twice. Next Monday you'll get even more stills! Maybe even some heroin, on the house!

Till next week America...


Monday, September 1, 2008

Closing in on it!

Ernie writes-

Well, there hasn't been much in the way of updates because there hasn't been much to say. Not that we aren't hard at work at making you the best damn religious satire you'll ever feast your eyes and or nose on (via iSmell). It's simply that much of the work that's been going on has been the less exciting part of film making. Things like:
-Script editing
-Shot list making
-meeting, after meeting, after friggin' meeting!

But guess what, we shot something yesterday! Yay! And that means that Monday updates have returned! Wheeeeew!!!!!

Okay, so it wasn't the most exciting shoot. No one was offended, sexually assaulted or murdered, like you'd usually find on our sets; but it was a damn good shoot. I ventured to eastern Connecticut to get a few shots of some landscapes to use as backdrops for the epic battle sequence in the movie. I was aided by my trusty side kick Spencer. We took a great many shots and were feeling ambitious so, we thought it would be fun to get some random people that we find and have an impromptu scene shoot.

Essentially we wanted to find a couple of people who could be extras for a scene where they simply are in shock and awe as they gaze up at the sky and point at an object (that our visual effects team would add in later). An object kind of like those ships from Independence Day where all of the pedestrians are just petrified, ya know? Trust me, it'll fit in the movie. Anyway, we approached a couple who we thought would be perfect for the scene. After explaining who we were, what we were doing and what we would hope they could do for us, they're response was something like this:


After that first comment I felt hopeful, but they finished they're response:

"Ya know what? I interest in that."


Luckily, as we were driving back home, we passed a farm and saw a guy driving a tractor. I figured "what the hell," I'll take my chances and ask him if he wants to be in our movie. As I stepped out of the car and walked toward the farmer (who hadn't noticed Spencer or me) I anticipated our question would bring on one of three likely responses:

Possibility one:

Excuse me would you like to be in our film?

Trespassers eh ya? Ah well, I best get my shot gun, kill ya, skin ya and roast ya.

Possibility two:

Excuse me would you like to be in our film?

Well sure! But just don't be a touchin' my three beautiful daughters! Or else!

Or else what?

I best get my shot gun, kill ya, skin ya and roast ya.

Possibility three:

Excuse me would you like to be in our film?

Well sure! I love helping people in the arts, especially struggling film makers like yourselves. What do you need me to do?

Fortunately for us, it was possibility three that ended up occurring! Therefore, I'm alive and able to share these great photos with you courtesy of my good sir, Spencer! Look for another update next Monday because you can bet your ass there will be a shoot! Enjoy!:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Wisecrackin' Spell Checker

Ernie writes-

So, Igor and I were making some small revisions to the "Niente: The Movie" screenplay with a program, called Celtx, that's geared specifically toward screenwriting.

At one point I was describing that a character in this certain scene would combust. I literally typed in "SHE COMBUSTS." And the spell check on this program insisted that I had spelled the word "COMBUSTS" incorrectly. So I went to check to see what the spell check suggested the proper spelling was. The only thing it offered was (I kid you not): "CUM BUSTS."

Aside from that the fact that its Spell Check needs to keep its mind out of the gutter, it's a really great program. I highly recommend it.


On an entirely different note, if any of you are familiar with the movie game:

One person names a movie, the next person names an actor from the movie, the person after that names a move that actor was in etc.

It would work like this:

Igor: The Dark Knight to...Ernie.

Ernie: Heath Ledger to...Kat.

Kat: A Knight's Tale to...Steve.

And so fourth.

A few of us have created a new version. Instead of the pattern: Movie>Actor>Movie etc.

It's Movie>Element>Movie>Element etc.

Instead of naming actors, you name things that appeared in the film, for example: the color brown was in the film "Ice Age."

Here's essentially how it went down:

Igor: The Dark Knight to...Ernie.

Ernie: A large truck to...Kat.

Kat: There's was a truck in Spiderman. So Spiderman to...Steve.

Steve: There was a chair in Spiderman. So chair to...Ben.

Ben: I saw a chair in Raiders of the Lost Ark, so Raiders to...Tommy.

Tommy: I saw the color blue in Raiders, the color blue to Igor.

Igor: Deep Blue Sea, I win. Everybody get the fuck out of my house.

After I left, I ate a sandwich and thought about writing this blog post all night. I'm so glad I finally got to tell all of you about this.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Movie Frames!

Ernie writes-

Sorry for the total lack of set report this week folks. We did have a shoot and it did go well despite what Old Man Stroll might tell you. Don't listen to him, he's just a diva getting out his yayas. But we do have a treat for you, a couple of frames from "Niente: The Movie!" These stills feature Tom Stroll and Justine Cotsonas. Enjoy!:

Look for a new Vlog entry very soon and perhaps Igor will write about something besides movies that have nothing to do with our movie! Wheeeeeeew!

Monday, July 28, 2008

X-Files: I Want to Believe Review

Igor Writes:

Me: Oh shit, this one doesn't have aliens in it. Let's change the channel. Oh no, we can't! Ugh.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Sandwich Police

Igor Writes

So the other day I'm sitting in my parked car eating a sandwich and listening to the Mets recap. It's right around midnight and I'm getting ready to head home, but not before I finish my damn sandwich.

Suddenly a cop speeds up my street and jams his little utility light/death ray directly into my eye in mid sandwich bite.

Cop: Hey

Me: Hi

Cop: How you doin', man?

Me: I'm good.

Cop: You're good?

Me: I'm good.

Cop: Good.


Me: I'm having a sandwich. *waves sandwich*

Cop: Nothing illegal about enjoying a picnic in the street, but...

Me: Yeah.

Cop: Yeah. Well enjoy your sandwich.

Me: I will, thanks.

And then the cop sped off into the night.

So there you go. For anyone who was ambiguous as to the legal status of eating a sandwich in a car, it is in fact still legal. But barely.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight - Igor's Review

Right off the bat, I want to let you know that this review will be very light on spoilers for the most part. However, the end of this will be spoilerific. There will be a warning, but beware.

That having been said, let's jump into it.

Every once in a while, a movie is so well carried by one acting performance that it gains absolute epic status without being the kind of drawn out dramatic piece that have had success with the Academy lately. There Will be Blood and No Country for Old Men, for example, while indeed carried by the acting performances of Javier Bardem and Daniel Day Lewis, were also immaculately written with inescapably fantastic plots and characters backing them up.

The Dark Knight, on the other hand, had some flaws. The plot, while expansive and layered, had a few holes that threw me during the movie. Character motivations change rapidly, and it can be hard to keep up with what exactly the plan is. The message is overstated at times, with Michael Caine being used specifically to spout philosophical nonsense at the audience every time he had lines. Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne is still brilliant, and I love the continual dynamic that he has with this "friends". He is forced to be a stereotypical playboy billionare, and the acting there is very reminiscent of American Psycho. As Batman, however, his deep cover-up voice is just slightly campy, and usually unnecessary.

All that being said, I loved this movie with every inch of my being. Yes, it ran too long. Yes, I have no idea what actually happens to the villain(s). Yes, Batman's first entrance in the film is confusing and underwhelming. But none of that is the point. This movie is absolutely carried by the oscar-worthy performance of the late Heath Ledger. Yeah, I said it. Dead or alive, the man deserves the oscar more than anyone. He nails every fiber of the Joker. Facial expressions, ticks, voice, everything. It absolutely makes the movie.

Knowing way more than I should have known going into this movie (I'll deal with the topic of overzealous movie hype some other day), I still found myself shocked, frightened, and most of all impressed by Ledger's performance. He is in every sense and epic character, and possibly the best movie villain of all time. Let me repeat that. The Joker may very well be the best movie villain ever portrayed by anyone. Ever.

But it's more than that. Aaron Eckart nails down the part of good guy turned bad guy Harvey Dent, and his descent into madness adds a whole new layer of excellence. Pepper that with nice supporting numbers from Morgan Freeman, who continues to be the most badass CEO ever, Gary Oldman, who really comes into his own as a character here, and Maggie Gyllenhal, who replaces Katie Holmes in the role of Rachel Dawson. And thank god for that. Katie Holmes' flat performance in Batman Begins was a huge problem for me, and Maggie, while not necessarily impressive per se, manages to not annoy me for the entire movie, which is more than you can say for the vast majority of female leads in superhero movies (admit it, it's true).

********************************SPOILERS START HERE*******************************






Some of the effects in this movie are absolutely stunning. How fucking cool was the truck-flipping bit? Also, the BatPod came off really well. There's a moment where Batman comes flying out from the side of a building sideways, and you can distintly see the front wheel spinning on another axis, allowing the BatPod to move sideways. Great touch there, I loved it.

I love some of the thematic elements thrown in for posterity. The Joker's continual willingness to kill himself just underscores the chaos that he embodies. He shows that in a world where there are no heros, the are no villains either. Yet all of this is so well contrasted by Two-Face's transformation from hero to villain. There were a few minor touches, like the Joker's simple line "I'm only burning my half of the money". I'm sure we all immediately thought of Harvey Dent, whose makeup work was both fantastic and horrifying at the same time.

A few questions: What happened to the Joker? We just kind of left him hanging there. And what happened to Harvey? Did he die in the fall? How could he be dead if Batman took a bullet to the chest, fell the same height and came out of it no worse for the wear?

Commisioner Gordon's (feels much better to put it that way, no?) death-but-not-really was a bit disjointed. I'm not sure how neccesary that was. Oh well.

***************************SPOILERS END HERE****************************************


Was it a perfect movie? Not at all. But I for one am willing to forgive a whole lot when I am treated to such a memorable acting performance. What can I say? He really deserves an Oscar.

Go see this movie. It's that simple.

Rating: 93/100

For comparison:

The Good:
No Country for Old Men: 89/100
There Will Be Blood: 96/100
Batman Begins: 83/100
Magnolia: 94/100
Shoot 'Em Up: 86/100
Rear Window: 98/100

The Bad:
Garfield The Movie: 14/100
Epic Movie: 21/100
Beowulf: 17/100
Little Man: 3/100
Southland Tales: 41/100

The Ugly (because no one agrees with me on these):
Sin City: 56/100
The 300: 33/100
Lord of the Rings, Fellowship: 68/100
In the Valley of Elah: 94/100
28 Days Later: 92/100

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Doubling It Up!

Ernie writes-

For this past weekend we had two shoots going on at the same friggin' time! How did we do it!? While I was running a shoot with our Associate Producer Steve Kompar, Igor and Tom were at another shoot. I didn't have a chance to catch a glimpse of their set in action, but they did manage to videotape the whole thing. We'll be sure to include this footage in the next vlog post. Look for that later in the week!

Anyway, the other shoot was a green screen sequence featuring two very quirky news anchors that were hosting "THE END OF THE WORLD!" This film plot is getting more interesting/confusing every week isn't it? Here are some stills from the green screen shoot and be sure to look for a vlog entry later on this week!:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednsday Super Awesome Time!

Igor Writes-

Sorry my little baby peachies, no twitter posts today. I didn't make it to the last shoot, wanna fight about it?

Anyway, in lieu, I bring you some good things.

I've got something in my front pocket for you. Here it is:

And then there is Daffy Duck, the swearingest duck in the world.

But besides that, movie making is braille, despite all of Ernie's cockamamie schemes and Tom's evil talking elbow-vagina. This weekend we shoot a scene called Bad Director, which surprisingly involves a bad director. Details to come.

Dont forget that you can get all kinds of delicious goodies over at The Niente Store including posters, beer steins, and the peachiest thong you'll see today.

You kids have fun now, stay safe, and lock the doors before you go to sleep. I'll see you at the party.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Niente: The Movie+Sex=AWESOME!

Ernie writes-

That's right, you heard me. The newest addition to the many scenes of "Niente: The Movie" is a sex scene. Up until now there was no real motivation to make this movie for any of us, with the exception of a vague possibility of breaking even when this movie finally earns some cash. But when our very sexy Production Designer, Dany Tiberius Rauccio, said okay to getting naked in front of a camera; we all realized why we got into this business. Did the scene go well? Are you fucking insane? It was awesome! Enough said. Here are some pictures to back it up, they won't reveal everything you want to see, so you're gonna have to watch "Niente: The Movie" to get all the action. I will point out though that the man covered in blood in these photos, came to the set like that. We don't know what he was doing before he arrived, and we were all too terrified to ask why he brought an axe with him. But he did a damn good job with the lights. Oh yeah, and he's Dany's Uncle. Kick ass!

Look for new posts by Igor and Ben very soon!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bonus Peaches!

Igor Says-

Watch this. I promise, it's good.

Are you a one-cheek Person?

Live Twitter Feed from UCONN!

Igor Says-

Ernie and I are yelling at each other. We have not met up yet.

Arrival at UCONN. Dany's dad is there. Must refrain from dirty jokes.

Goddamn it, Tom.

Stolen muffins are delicious.

"What is this? Where is the product?"

Tom says "I DEMAND SILENCE!". Everyone complies. It is awkward.

Applying white powder to nose. Looks good.

Ernie says "pastrami shoe wagon". Or something.

Stealing from a buffet does not count as stealing.

Dany picks a lock, breaks into faculty lounge. It is hot.

Man wipes his face with a thong. This bodes well.


What, we're actually done?

Oh sweet lord tobacco.

Goddamn it, Tom.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I Hate Muffins! But I Love Making "Niente: The Movie!"

Ernie writes-

Uconn Stamford: best...shooting location...EVER! For the most recent scene, we shot in a room at Uconn Stamford that was completely surrounded by windows. We could shoot from just about any angle and we didn't need a lighting team. Not to say that we don't love our lighting team, you guys are awesome and I want to make passionate love on top of you all while you sing the national anthem to me.

As always I won't divulge too much detail about the premise of the scene but it did involve: a panel of straight laced, conservative board members of a high profile corporation, an incompetent fo-tan rocking, torn suit wearing, thong hanging...out of Also there was a kid from the mail room named Philip. Incidentally, be sure to look for Veratech's new home-use product, which is also named Philip.

Now, as far the actual set goes. There was nothing really out of the ordinary:
-A guy wiped off the sweat from his face with a thong.
-Another guy threw a muffin into his eye to express his hatred for the pastry.
-Tom had sex with candy bar that had his face on it and Dany filmed it.
-Igor drank an entire box of coffee, chased it with some pink pills, stripped down naked and proclaimed himself the new Prince of the Purple Heart Mucus Cousin.
-While I, Ernie: The Virtuous One, was awarded 28 nuns for my services.

All these facts are inspired by true events. Wait...what?

Anyway here are some good photos from the shoot:

Friday, June 27, 2008

I Will Always Love You

Ben writes-

I've been noticing lately that there is a very clear and distinct difference between the lyrics to love songs written by men and women. In simple terms, women tend to sing about kissing and cuddling, whereas male-written songs are basically just fancy ways of saying, "do me" or "oh man I wish I could do her". Here are some examples:

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
-Kelly Clarkson

"My Heart Will Go On"
-Celine Dion
sorry to have reminded you of this one.

Come take control, just grab a hold
Of my body and mind soon we'll be making it
Honey, oh we're feeling fine
You're my medicine open up and let me in
Darling, you're so great
I can't wait for you to operate
-Marvin Gaye

For once I can say
This is mine, you can't take it
Long as I know I've got love I can make it
For once in my life
I've got that someone who needs me
-Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder's getting some? Really? This one's not really so much about sexytime other than that part right at the end.

And someday I'll put my... ...goodies... ...woman...
when a man needs a woman
they make things like you, my son.

-the Beach Boys

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh the things I do for you....

Igor writes-

Live twitter feed from the last shoot:

Grand Central is warm and smells of old goat's milk.

Camping outside of a building. Camera police. Still smells of goats.

Goddamn it Tom.


Where are we again? Bugs bunny time. Ernie says "foot china" or something.

Clouds. My arch enemy.

Rain. My arch enemy.

Sammiches. Chris just poked his head out of a trash can. This bodes well.

Possibly arrested for stealing a Fordham trash can.

Subway time. Goat smell has increased since last check.

Seriously, Tom. Goddamn it.

Enough already, Tom.

There is a man in a lawn chair playing techno with roller skates. People are dancing. It is strange.

Ernie says "roller sandwich piano". Or something.

Fuck Tom Stroll.

Lightning, my arch enemy.

Missed the train due to stupidity.

Train; dr;unk'; WOOIOOO:":P{POO!1


I owe some guy $50. I don't know why.

Smells considerably less of goats.

This is all Tom's fault.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Caught That Candy Bar! And More!

Ernie writes-

Well we've just completed the 1st of a two day shoot. This is the opening scene to "Niente: The Movie." The scene has been entitled "Catch That Candy Bar," what ensues in this opening scene is a chase around Manhattan and the object of desire guessed it! A candy bar! Not just any candy bar, but a Chock Full-O-Stroll candy bar. The performance was fantastically executed by both the cast and crew, I only wish mother nature was as kind to us. We had to duck in out of buildings to save the equipment from certain liquid downpour. I'm talking about rain, so get your mind out of the gutter! Despite this, it was still a great shoot. Unfortunately we didn't have any snap shots from this shoot, as we kept a very minimal crew. But, I have just received some pics of me preparing to become Sir Rutherford Welch from this past May when we were shooting in London. Enjoy!

These photos were made possible by our Camera Operator Alan Smithies. Thanks Alan!

Look for a new shoot report a week from today! Maybe even a few posts from Igor is he's done blowing off some steam.

Friday, June 20, 2008

New Vlog Entry!

Ernie writes-

For the current vlog entry we see co-writer and co-director of "Niente: The Movie," Igor Zhukovsky, blowing off some steam after a hard day of work on the set. Enjoy!:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Another One in the Bag!

Ernie writes-

We have had yet another successful shoot thanks to so many awesome people. Our crew has expanded and our equipment has gotten sexier. And by sexier I mean more sophisticated. New lights, new sound equipment, larger crew and fantastic actors just makes for super happy fun time chinese food buffet only $9.99 and all you can eat.

Literally, we had a incredible shoot. Tom, vocally, kept things a float. Igor, obstreperously, paraded around in a dress and wig. This all, existentially, touched my immortal soul and made the shoot go swimmingly...RAH!

This is all very confusing, I know, but don't worry it'll make more sense once you see "Niente: The Movie" in 2009. For now, please enjoy these stills from yesterday's shoot:

P.S. Look for the following coming soon:

-New Web Comics!
-Another Vlog entry.
-And small little web updates you'll never get around to look at. Even though you said you would. You bastard!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Vlog Time!

Ernie writes-

To keep all of you updated on how "Niente: The Movie" and other projects are progressing, we've now put up a video player that will feature vlogs. Essentially they will be short clips of highlights from the set. Sometimes we'll have interviews or even trailers. The first two videos are up now. Have a look see:

We'll be posting new clips regularly so it'd be awesome if you subscribed to the show or to this blog to find out how we're progressing. Tootles for now! Brake our legs for the next shoot this Sunday!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Glorious Nation of Poland

Ernie writes-

Well, Igor flexed his directing muscle for yesterday's shoot. This is a brief scene but the actual shoot was anything but brief. This was due to the complexity of certain shots, the distance between each set, the heat and holy crap that freakin' humidity! It had to have been 100 degrees Fahrenheit and 99.99999% humidity. I could swear I felt the resistance from the water as I walked! Although the shoot lasted a bit longer than we had hoped, the result was well worth the pain anguish. We got a fantastic scene done, and it wouldn't have happened without the help of everyone who was there, especially:

Jamie Russo-For being there to help out on the biggest shot of that day.

Kate Brody-For providing us with props and costumes that made this shoot complete!

Dany Rauccio-Without her, the Polish Navy would no vessels, the Frenchman would not be French and Steve wouldn't have those pretty eyes.

Lecco Morris-Chaaaaaaargge!

Alex Williams-Whose clever strategy of shooting unarmed Pols gave him victory on the battlefield.

Ben Gawle-Whose heroic deeds will be remembered for all eternity in the hall of warriors. FREEEEDOM!!!

Steve Kompar-Who had to put up with Tom's hedonistic desire to rub dirt all over Steve's body.

Dan Gorka-Who risked serious injury to do a stunt and then repeat it for two more takes.

Parker Bonnell and Ana Collins-If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have the awesome production stills that we got. Here are a some of them.

If you can guess by the title. This scene has something to do with Poland being glorious. But specifically what, would be telling. There are plenty of stills on the way as well some other much needed updates. Look for a new shoot report next Monday!