Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Monthly Telegraph (May '09)

Sir Rutherford Welch has taken ill, I'm going to be taking over and I'll try to emulate him to best of my abilities.

Ernie writes-

My word what have you people done?! Robots in car factories, automated check out stations at retail stores, robots that can diagnose autism and now social robots that are meant to comfort humans!

As it states in the article:

Inventors describe their efforts to design robots that can interact with people on a deeper level...
Now in my time we may have kept robots as freaky sex objects as seen below

But to connect with them emotionally? Is that asbestos finally getting to our head?

Now I hear on the portable Victrola called NPR that scientists at Yale and MIT are developing robots that are self aware! Self aware! Oh my-my...word! Somebody call John Connor!

There he is! Whew, now I'm not worried. Wait...wait a second now what are they doing?! Oh my God, they're upstaging John Williams!

NOOOOOOOO! WHY?! And what's this? A defector! It seems that our beloved Yo-Yo Ma is in cahoots! Why? Why? He was one of the good ones!

If you can stomach it, here is the footage. Please keep small children away:

What can we do to stop this madness! Perhaps we can call up that 80's group Madness to have benefit concert to get people to realize the severity of this growing robot threat. Please Madness if you can hear me, save the day!