Monday, October 22, 2007

I smell trouble...

Igor Writes-

So a few days ago I was having one of my many sleepless nights when my channel surfing landed me in prime news real estate. In this case, I was watching MSNBC's special report on Russian President Putin's recent visit to Iran.

As some of you may or may not know, Iran recently signed a pact with Russia, outsourcing the construction of its new nuclear power generators to Putin. What Russia seems to understand, as does much of Europe, since Putin also planned to meet with the leaders of France, Germany, and the UK to discuss Iran, was that Iran is seeking nuclear power not in order to develop weapons, but so that it can have what every modern industrialized nation already has, NUCLEAR POWER.

Of course, MSNBC spotlighted Putin's recent power grabs, pointing out that there was no way for him to lose the next election and that Russia is basically one step away from totalitarianism. The point that they were trying to make is that the friendship between Iran and Russia is a union of two batshit insane countries which could disrupt the balance of power throughout the middle east and the rest of the world.

So there's that.

Too bad it's all bullshit.

If you know anything about Russia, you'll know that it's political situation really is a shambles, but it doesn't particularly work to the advantage of Putin just yet. While he'll be elected, the country is so bitter and divided that he'll be lucky if he can find where the country keeps its nukes.

If Iran thinks that putting Russia in charge of building power plants is a good idea, then they've clearly never been to Russia. They'll be lucky if the building doesn't fall apart within the first week.

That being said, why can't Iran have nuclear power? "Duh, Igor, we can't let them have nukes!".

Yeah, well, tough.

Until I see an ounce of proof that Iran supports terrorism, they have every right to hoard nuclear weapons left and right. Go on, find me the evidence that says that Iran is evil and its president it a lunatic. Find it and I'll reconsider. Until then, if my country can have nukes (and based on the last post, it's clear that we have no clue as to what we are doing), then Iran has the same right. That is, if they want nukes at all.

Ahmeninejad continues to insist that he is simply looking to boost his country's power grid, by looking to the future to nuclear energy. I've yet to see any proof that they plan to do anything else with it. If anyone can find the documents that says that they are hoarding nuclear scientists, or building secret labs, or are downloading the Anarchist's Cookbook, then please go ahead and send them to me, because I sure as hell haven't seen any. I'm talking to you, MSNBC/FOX/CNN.

I submit that what we are really seeing is the continual effort by the government of this country to push for war with Iran. To what end, I don't know. I don't want to know. All I do know is that they have been trying for months (frequent readers will note that I've written about this before) to discredit Ahmeninejad and Iran as a whole. What they discovered was that people weren't buying it.

Somehow there wasn't a lot of support for another pointless war. So now, the news networks are forced to up the ante. Who do we hate even more than the Iranians? THE FUCKING RUSSIANS. The right-wing fucknuts behind this idiotic War on Brown People are all Reagan-Era Cold War paranoids, who haven't trusted Russia since WWII.

So now we have the Iranians and the Russians in cahoots. Can it get any worse? I can't wait until North Korea jumps on board this fuck-train. Better yet, Syria, since they seem evil and are brown too. North Korea wouldn't be a prime candidate anyway. We aren't scared of them anymore since they stopped threatening us after peace talks and economic sanctions forced them to calm the hell down.

Somehow, peace talks with North Korea worked, but with Iran all we can do is make veiled threats of nuclear attacks. Are we really the kind of country that would strike first with nukes? Hell, should we be the kind that strikes first at all?

It's time for us to see this for what it really is: propoganda. That's all there is to it. This is nothing new.

Aw, hell, let's just nuke 'em. They're brown, after all.

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