Saturday, November 15, 2008

E-Mail Syndication Goodness!

Ernie writes-

You can now subscribe to the Peaches through e-mail! Mmmmmmm! Yummy e-mails. I eat them all the time! Yummy e-mails oooooooohhhhh.

There's a little form on the left column of this page. Just put in your e-mail, click submit and follow the super-duper-diaper simple instructions. It's as easy as biting into a brand new buffalo! Mmmmm yummy buffalo e-mails, yummy yummy town!

Excuse me, I have to get the phone!


"Yes, this is Ernie..."

"You found my what?!"

"I didn't lose it though! How is that possible?"

"It has my raccoon on it?"

"Oh shoot, I'm still on the blog!"

(Hang up the blog)

Find out what Ernie lost and has his raccoon on it, only on Niente Peaches blog! And the best way to keep a tab is to subscribe to out blog via e-mail!

1 comment:

Hoco said...

Hey I was thinking that during the Armageddon montage it would be great if the was a shot of a man trying to watch TV but all the channels were George Lopez re-runs. Think it over and maybe there is an even worse show to be stuck on!