Thursday, December 20, 2007

In other news...

Time for something a little less serious. A recap of this month's news:

-Rudy Guiliani's campaign has come to a screeching halt after it turns out that while mayor of New York he routed money into obscure departments of the NYPD to fund nights out with his then mistress. Moreover, some of that money went to hire police officers to cheaufer the woman around town and, not kidding, walk her dogs. Guiliani slipped to fourth in the Iowa polls, and then this happened. Can't make this up, folks.

This is worth celebrating because Guiliani is a crook, a liar, and the second coming of Bush.

-Another Spears sister is whack. This is not a surprise. Meanwhile (true story), the mother is planning to write a book about parenting.

-A fire blazed through one of Cheney's offices in the white house caused by "an electrical failure". It's unclear as to what documents were "lost". The Daily Kos speculates a few things, however.

If seeing that link didn't compell you to click it, I urge you to do so, because the article features a list of every major Bush scandal to date, which is very eye opening and past due.

-In other news, Ron Paul doesn't believe in evolution, Fred Thompson was in "Hunt for the Red October", Hillary Clinton still sucks, Huckabee is creepy and puts subliminal crosses in his commercials, and no one will admit that Kucinich is the best man for the job. Also, everyone is a liar.

More stuff later. I promise it won't all be political.

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