Monday, June 16, 2008

Another One in the Bag!

Ernie writes-

We have had yet another successful shoot thanks to so many awesome people. Our crew has expanded and our equipment has gotten sexier. And by sexier I mean more sophisticated. New lights, new sound equipment, larger crew and fantastic actors just makes for super happy fun time chinese food buffet only $9.99 and all you can eat.

Literally, we had a incredible shoot. Tom, vocally, kept things a float. Igor, obstreperously, paraded around in a dress and wig. This all, existentially, touched my immortal soul and made the shoot go swimmingly...RAH!

This is all very confusing, I know, but don't worry it'll make more sense once you see "Niente: The Movie" in 2009. For now, please enjoy these stills from yesterday's shoot:

P.S. Look for the following coming soon:

-New Web Comics!
-Another Vlog entry.
-And small little web updates you'll never get around to look at. Even though you said you would. You bastard!

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